Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Acetaminophen Overdose causes Acute Liver Failure

Acetaminophen overdose causes acute liver failure.
Significant liver injury usually occurs with doses of >10 to 15 g, most frequently taken in a suicide attempt.
The liver injury is caused by toxic metabolites of acetaminophen formed by the microsomal cytochrome P-450-dependent drug-metabolizing system.
Because ethanol induces this cytochrome P-450 system, severe hepatotoxicity can be seen in alcoholics, even with lower dosages of acetaminophen.
N-acetylcysteine administered early after ingestion (i.e., <24 hours) reduces the severity of liver necrosis. Acetaminophen and its metabolites are not cleared by hemodialysis.
Survivors of acute acetaminophen toxicity usually recover completely without progressive or residual liver damage.



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